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Tour to Ambo Town and Wonchi Crater Lake

The City of Ambo (also known as Hagere Hiwot) is a resort located in Central Ethiopia, 155 to the west of Addis Abeba

Duration: 1 or 2 days

It is a province of Oromo called Mirab Shewa Zone. The city is located 2101 m above the sea.

Ambo was popularized in whole Ethiopia as a place of production of tasty carbonated mineral wated, called Ambo. It is so popular in Ethiopia, that people relate it to any carbonated water. When we want to order a carbonated water in restaurant, it is best just to ask for Ambo.

Halth resorts are of a very interesting architecture from the times of Emperor Haile Selasje. Another attraction there is Wenchi Crater Lake. A Lake is picturesquely located, and also one can visit hot mineral waters and waterfalls Gurder and Huluka. A former monastery is located on the lake of one of the islands. The flora and fauna of local peatland is interesting. The Lake can be reached on foot or on the back of the horse that can be rented in the village. There are boats that transport visitors to the monastery and hot waters.

Since 1977, Ambo is the head office of Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, carrying out research on protection and development of Ethiopian domesticated plants.

The surroundings of Ambo are popular for weekend trips for citizens of Addis Abeba.


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