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Support for families in Ethiopia

Although poor perinatal conditions are still the main cause of infants’ dying in the region, infections and diseases are the main killers of children under five.

According to UNICEF, the under-five mortality rates in most of the sub-Saharan countries appear to be less affected by household wealth than in other developing regions. This is in part explained by the high levels of absolute poverty still prevailing in these countries, which are translated into the lack of adequate and essential services at the household level, and lack of health infrastructure and basic resources. However, children born into the poorest 20 percent of the population are 1.7 times more likely to die before the age of five than the wealthiest 20 percent, with an excess under-five mortality rate of 80 deaths per thousand live births (181 vs. 100 respectively).

Having in mind the Novel Corona Virus global pandemic, and locust invading farmlands in East Africa, we #Abisynia Foundation have teamed up with Timeless Ethiopia Touring P.L.C to organize a small donation for inhabitants living in the village of Bilbala – A town located 30Kms NW of Lalibela.

For the first round, we were able to collect 500 USD to purchase food items for 58 families – supporting an average of 5 members in 1 household.

In this campaign, we were able to provide 25 Kgs of sorghum grain for each family even though the estimated consumption of one household is about 75Kgs of sorghum grain per month (according to residents in that area). Since we #Abisynia Foundation would like to support and outreach more families, we kindly would like to invite you to help and support with any amounts you would like to contribute until we pass this unprecedented time together.

If you would like to acquire more information about when we organize the next donation round, please contact us by using the below contact form on the Abisynia foundation website.

Note: Below are some photographs taken during the donation time. .


Abisynia Foundation bank account:

Nest Bank SA ul. Wołoska 24, 02-675 Warszawa, Poland


EURO: PL55 1870 1045 2078 1067 7050 0002

USD: PL71 1870 1045 2078 1067 7050 0005

PLN: PL82 1870 1045 2078 1067 7050 0001



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